Believe in Yourself

The strongest factor for success is Self-esteem.

No Excuses

Ninety-nine percent of failure comes from the people who have a habit of making excuses. ~George Washington

Take Pains

Push through the pain..because giving up hurts more.

Be Productive

When in doubt.. Sweat it out!

Take Action

"Action is the foundational key to all success." ~Pablo Picasso

Easy No-bake protein bars!!

Life gets busy. When you need something nutritious for good energy on the run, grab a couple of your own homemade Protein Bars! These 5-ingredient protein bars couldn’t be easier. They require no baking, they keep very well, and are deliciously satisfying! Most of all, they are absolutely easy!

protein bars

  • 1/2 cup milk (I use whole)
  • 1 cup natural almond butter
  • 2-3TB honey, plus more to taste
  • 1 1/4 cups vanilla (or chocolate) whey protein powder
  • 2 cups old fashioned rolled oats (uncooked)
  • (Optional: Melted dark chocolate for drizzling)
  1. In a medium heavy pot, combine milk, almond butter, and desired amount of honey over low heat. Stir just until all ingredients are well combined and warmed through. Add protein powder and oats. Stir to combine well. (If the mixture is too thick to stir, simply add a bit more milk.)
  2. Lightly grease an 8×8 pan. Press mixture evenly into pan, using enough pressure to compress mixture into desired bar thickness.
  3. Allow bars to cool completely.
  4. Cut into squares. If desired, drizzle with melted chocolate and let cool. Wrap in airtight container and store at moderate room temp for up to a week.

How to store homemade protein bars? These protein bars must be stored in the fridge for up to 7 days. Because of the natural nut butter, they soften significantly at room temperature. I would even recommend freezing for long term storage!
How can I change up the flavors of these protein bars? You could totally switch up the spices and flavorings in these bars:
oats bars

·      Almond: go with a neutrally flavored protein powder and add almond extract with sliced almonds.
·      Mint chocolate chip: try adding a chocolate protein powder and some chocolate chips; maybe even some peppermint extract.
·      Peanut butter: swap the almond butter for PB and/or use a PB flavored protein powder.
·      Lemon-coconut: try adding in some lemon zest and pulsing in some shredded coconut at the end.
·      Coffee chocolate: add a tablespoon of espresso powder, some cocoa powder, and chocolate chips.

Mental Health and Sugar.

Mental health and sugar..We've all been there. After a stressful day, when our mood is low, it is easy to reach for a tub of ice cream or similar sugary treat. But evidence of the link between sugar and mental health is mounting - and it's not just sweets that rack up our daily sugar intake.
sweet treats

Last week, Medical News Today reported on a study published in the journal Scientific Reports that identified a greater risk of depression among men who consumed significant amounts of sugar in their diet. One might argue that feeling depressed may lead to increased sugar consumption, rather than the other way around. However, what was really interesting about this study was that the researchers, from University College London Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health in the United Kingdom, used a mathematical model to exclude exactly that: a phenomenon they called reverse causation.
Using data from the Whitehall II study - a large group of civil servants in the U.K. - they showed that sugar consumption came before depression, rather than being a consequence of it. So while there is an increasing number of studies looking at the implications of diet on mental health, it is difficult to study the exact causes and mechanisms that link the two.
What is the evidence? And how can sugar, such a simple molecule, wreak such havoc in our brains? Well, consumption of processed and fast food - including hamburgers, pizza, and fried foods - was found to be higher in both youngsters and adults with increased rates of depression. Likewise, female U.S. seniors with high levels of sugar in their diet had greater rates of depression than those who consumed less sugar. Sugar-sweetened beverages, especially soft drinks, have increased in popularity and are now consumed around the world.
fried food

While these studies did not set out to find the biological mechanism by which sugar affects mental health, they add to the body of evidence reporting on the link between the two.
Sugars are simple carbohydrate molecules. While being essential for cell and organ functioning, our bodies have sophisticated machinery to break complex carbohydrate molecules into simple sugars.
It, therefore, does not need to be added to the diet, and the American Heart Association (AHA) state that "our bodies don't need sugar to function properly." What is really important is that our bodies do not differentiate between sugars from different sources. Whether it comes from white sugar, honey, molasses, corn syrup, concentrated grape extract, fruit, or milk, our bodies use the sugar in exactly the same way.
The AHA recommends a daily limit of 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 teaspoons for men. To put that into context, a can of Coca-Cola contains 8.25 teaspoons of sugar, while a small banana contains 3 teaspoons.
Cutting sugar from our diet may be easier said than done; we are bombarded with advertisements for convenience foods and tasty treats. But even seemingly healthful foods can have high levels of hidden sugars. These culprits include breakfast cereals, sauces (including ketchup and pasta sauce), flavored milk, whole-meal bread, and many products labeled as low fat, such as fruit yogurts. Smoothies and fruit juices for children were in the spotlight last year in an article published in BMJ Open. High sugar levels have also been reported in baby and toddler food products.
high sugar

The best way to keep tabs on sugar consumption is to become familiar with nutritional labels. While the list of ingredients might claim no added sugars, the nutrition facts panel will show the number of carbohydrates and sugars in the product.
What is the evidence that cutting down on sugars will have health benefits? Well, studies have indicated that individuals who experience depression benefit from eating a healthful diet.
Importantly, choosing foods that are low in refined ingredients, such as sugar, but high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can relieve the symptoms of depression. Scientists think that the power of these foods lies in promoting good brain health.
The next time a low mood threatens to spoil your day, remember where sugar is hidden in plain sight and look to other tasty treats to lift you out of the doldrums.

What is Fitness?

what is fitness

You might have told yourself at some point or other you would like to improve your fitness, but did you ever stop to think about what exactly is fitness? There is a multi-billion euro industry operating within the European region that we call the fitness sector, but what exactly is this fitness concept that’s up for sale that so many of us are so happy to hand over our hard-earned cash to buy?
We’re perfectly in our rights to ask, what is fitness, exactly? What exactly is on offer here to fitness consumers? The answer might seem straight and plain to you, but different versions of it appear equally straight and plain to pretty much anybody you ask, fitness professionals included funnily enough.
While physical fitness consisting of strength, endurance and flexibility to name but a few components, is indeed an important part of total fitness, so is psychological and social wellbeing, eating healthily and limiting unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, consuming high-fat food or sitting down too long and too often.
Looking fit does not necessarily mean actually being fit. Indeed, this imbalanced view of fitness may in part be responsible for some of the stereotypes we see surrounding the industry and its professionals.
Question your stress levels, and safeguard your psychological health. As you progress with your new programme over the medium to long-term, reflect on how your total fitness is coming along, and not just what is visible in the mirror.
Be an informed fitness consumer, and ask of all fitness products on sale, how will this improve my total fitness?